My Portfolio

About me

I am mokiros, a year old guy. I’ve been doing programming as a hobby since 2013, started out in Roblox. Know a bunch of stuff.

Mostly using Typescript right now, React on frontend, PostgreSQL on backend.

My Roblox projects:

A collection of most of my projects that I have done in Roblox

luau_term - VT100 terminal emulator inspired by xterm

One of my latest projects, a terminal emulator utilizing EditableImage and buffers.


Castle ASCII Art (taken from

Drawing intentionally slowed down.

Running neofetch on my laptop by using http proxy:

neofetch example

MIDI parser and player

Model to Script plugin

A plugin that would convert selected instances to a single script. Unlike most model to script plugins at the time, which would generate plain code to create instances and set their properties, my plugin encoded the instance to text, then included it in the final script along with the decode function. Because of that, the resulting scripts were much smaller in size and were generated much faster, albeit for the cost of not being able to easily modify the encoded instance.

Google Forms recreation in Roblox

Created with the help of RoStrapUI, a pretty faithful recreation of Google Forms designed to provide a familiar and easy experience of submitting an application without redirecting users off of Roblox.


Bomb defusal concept

Mostly inspired by Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes.


Chess concept


FE Compatibility script

Probably my most popular piece of code. Written in 2018 to adapt scripts made for Script Builder games that were affected by Roblox forcing FilteringEnabled on all games.

Infinite hallway

Another concept that never really evolved into a full experience.

Infinite Hallway thumbnail

Built with Hugo
Theme Stack designed by Jimmy